Excel Dashboard-Marketing
This dashboard was created from marketing data in Maven data playground. I cleaned the data in power query and used pivot tables to analyze the data. The company objective is to increase campaign response. My thought was to focus on data from customers who had purchased products in the last 30 days. Since these customers are already actively buying, they would be “easy” targets to gain initial momentum. Also, if campaigns are successful with this group, they can evangelize and assist in bringing new customers.
The customers are segmented into active loyal (dark blue) and active opportunity (lighter blue). The dark blue customers stand out largely. Knowing the demographic information and sales percentages these customers bring in can assist the company in creating a loyalty program for this group. The goal should be to maintain loyalty and show customer appreciation. Something along rewards points that build up to receive free gifts or money off.
The active opportunity customers buy but not as much as the loyal group. The company should encourage to buy more with special promotion on favored products like Wine and Meats. Think “Buy 3 bottles of wine get 10% of total purchase”.
This isn’t perfect and will be edited so that the dashboard can be seen better. Or a link offered for a better experience. The main point of this post was for me to practice analytical thinking, creating a dashboard, and presenting my thinking. I welcome constructive criticism.